Find your Freedom


Yoga & Breathwork


Hey I’m Molly and I am here to offer you yoga, meditation and breathing practices which are incredibly powerful ways for us to find balance and soothe our nervous systems. Life is constantly throwing us curve balls and can be overwhelming at times, so I am here to guide you through these beautiful practices and help you find your freedom. Freedom from mental and physical tension, trauma and dis-ease.


Yoga For Wellbeing & Mental Health.

Yoga is a practice which helps us to relax, stay present and journey into our inner experience. I will always stay honest and true in my teachings and derive from real life findings of my own. I hope to uplift others and bring some calm into your world by sharing practices and breathing techniques which can be used to regulate your emotions and let energy move through the body. Allow yourself to experience the world through fresh eyes by stripping back layers of built up tension in the body and mind to discover that you are limitless.

“The most limiting belief that human beings can have in life, is that we are limited.”

Breathwork To Empower

The connected pattern of conscious breathing is a natural, safe and easy–to-learn technique.

As human beings we hold onto tension within our bodies and in doing so create physical, mental and emotional blockages. This connected breath technique helps to release the blockages and transform your life and energy. Conscious breathing helps us to fully open our respiratory system and release stress and trauma. A few sessions will enable you to use this technique for yourself as a lifelong tool. Many people have discovered an expanded state of consciousness as they improve their breathing process. Your life can open up and become more fulfilled through conscious connected breathing.